SBC Disability Toolkit - Module 7: Monitoring, evaluating and measuring
Addressing stigma and discrimination toward children and youth with disabilities through SBC
Sarah’s story part 7:
I do see progress, as more people know about disability, as more people become aware of their own biases, as rights are respected and not questioned, as we build services and policies that recognize that all of us are unique and equal. We need to better understand what tools to use to address ableism and how to measure our progress in dismantling disability stigma. I’m hopeful, though, that in the future we will focus on breaking through stigma to build a better world for everyone?
Overview of Module 7:
This module will introduce approaches and tools to measure progress and the effectiveness of social and behaviour change (SBC) activities and programmes to support the inclusion of children with disabilities. It builds on the theory of change for disability stigma presented in Module 0 proposes a monitoring and evaluation framework, along with indicators, tools and means of verification.
Learning objectives:
By the end of the module, you should be able to:
- Explain why SBC programming needs to be measured.
- Describe the differences between monitoring and evaluation.
- Develop useful indicators and objectives specific to children with disabilities and SBC.
- Access and incorporate existing indicators related to inclusion, stigma and discrimination into your SBC programmes.