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The big picture
Change Magazine: Why don't you just behave?
Telling people what to do doesn’t work. So how do we create the right conditions for change?
Will Social & Behaviour Change, change the world? What is it anyway? Is it all just name changes and serenading? Find out, click below to download the PDF magazine:

Magazine Bonus Content:
Caption contest entries: runners up and honourable mentions
We enlisted the creative genius of UNICEF’s SBC Network to submit captions for what this poster is saying to its therapist.
Think You Know SBC Backwards and Forwards? Play the SBC crossword online
When Kids Worry about the Future, They Can’t Think about Their Futures
A huge thank you to all students and teachers who submitted this amazing collection to be part of UNICEF SBC's Change Magazine!
Click below to see all the drawings on our Kudo Board!

Vision - Change Magazine: Why don't you just behave?
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