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Large group of diverse young people
Build capacity and supportive systems

SBC Disability Toolkit - Foundational Module 0

Addressing stigma and discrimination toward children and youth with disabilities through SBC


Sarah’s story – Introduction: 

Hi, my name is Sarah. I am a girl, a sister, daughter, friend, student. I’m passionate about music. And I have a disability. I was born with cerebral palsy. It is a motor disability that causes changes in the use of muscles. I limp when I walk, and I have difficulty speaking clearly. So I have many identities, and being a person with a disability is one of them. However, people often prefer to focus on this one. I was born in a loving family in city X, where I lived with my two siblings, and my mom and dad.



This is the foundational module of the Toolkit provides a basic understanding of disability and who are children with disabilities. It also focuses on the concept of barriers (attitudinal, physical, communication, policy) to inclusion and transition to the social and human rights models of disability.  

This module explains the concept of stigma, why does it exist and gives a rationale for our approach to this topic. It presents a theory of change (TOC) which is a cornerstone of any evidence-based programme to target stigma. It has two parts: a problem analysis and a solution analysis. The first identifies the drivers of the problem, while the second proposes solutions through which the programme will address each of these drivers.


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  • Les éléments fondamentaux du CSC
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  • Le CSC dans les contextes d’urgence
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#Les stratégies de mise en œuvre
Purple watercolor world map


Recueil des meilleures pratiques de CSC

Données probantes par domaine d’objectifs et régions
#Le CSC dans les contextes d’urgence


CSC dans le cycle humanitaire

Utiliser la boîte à outils Engagement communautaire dans l’action humanitaire
#Les stratégies de mise en œuvre
social norms


Normes sociales

Comprendre, aborder et tirer parti des règles non écrites
#Le renforcement des capacités et les systèmes de soutien
Health Systems Strengthening


Renforcement des systèmes de santé

Un exemple d’intégration du CSC au sein d’un secteur
#Les partenariats
social mobilization


Mobilisation sociale

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#Les stratégies de mise en œuvre
story telling



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