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Magazine cover features a sliding puzzle of a woman trying to solve the puzzle of her own conflicting priorities
The big picture

Change Magazine: Why don't you just behave?

Telling people what to do doesn’t work. So how do we create the right conditions for change?


Will Social & Behaviour Change, change the world? What is it anyway? Is it all just name changes and serenading? Find out, click below to download the PDF magazine:


What's inside: What if we did things differently? The Road to 2030  pg.8   Coming of age in community Talking in Circles  pg.24  Change without pulling teeth  Pulling Threads  pg.29 Decolonization wisdom  from the Amazon Reimagining Progress	 pg.60  Preparing for the apocolypse?  Consider Stockpiling Trust	 pg.83


Magazine Bonus Content:
Caption contest entries: runners up and honourable mentions

We enlisted the creative genius of UNICEF’s SBC Network to submit captions for what this poster is saying to its therapist.


Think You Know SBC Backwards and Forwards? Play the SBC crossword online

Click here to play


When Kids Worry about the Future, They Can’t Think about Their Futures

A huge thank you to all students and teachers who submitted this amazing collection to be part of UNICEF SBC's Change Magazine!

Click below to see all the drawings on our Kudo Board!







Vision - Change Magazine: Why don't you just behave?

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  • Visão
  • Compreensão
  • Criação
  • Execução
  • O panorama geral
  • Ativismo | arrecadação de fundos
  • Os fundamentos da MSC
  • Abordagens programáticas da MSC
  • Visão geral do processo
  • Diagnóstico
  • Definição do sucesso
  • Design
  • Implementação de estratégias
  • Parcerias
  • MSC em contextos de emergência
  • Capacitação e sistemas de apoio
#Ativismo | arrecadação de fundos
sbc fundraising


Modelo de Arrecadação de Fundos da MSC

O que incluir nos pedidos de financiamento e nas propostas técnicas
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#O panorama geral
The Ethics of SBC PLATFORM


A Ética da Msc

Princípios e valores que regem o nosso trabalho
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#Ativismo | arrecadação de fundos
Why invest in SBC


Por que investir em Ciências Sociais e do comportamento

Em breve!
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#O panorama geral
Your Contribution PLATFORM


Sua Contribuição

Como fortalecer esta Orientação do Programa
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#O panorama geral
vision of sbc


A Visão para a MSC

Programas conduzidos pela comunidade e orientados pela ciência para os direitos da criança
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#O panorama geral


Visão Geral

Como usar esta Orientação do Programa
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